
How to get your wardrobe ready for Spring…   Spring has officially landed. Really? It certainly doesn’t feel like it with the weather we are having, but in the world of fashion it is most definitely here. The sales are over. Spring and Summer clothes are hitting the shops and […]


Festive Fashion – A vintage guide for the busy season ahead Halloween is over so it’s officially ok to start thinking about Christmas! Most importantly what you will be wearing to upcoming festive events; The Work Christmas Do, Friends and Family Parties, Shopping Trips, Winter Walks, The Big Day itself […]


Using vintage and vintage inspired high street fashion to create a unique look for Autumn I am sure I am not alone in feeling totally cheated of my Summer this year?! My dream of endless sunshine and wearing all my lovely vintage summer dresses was shattered by the terrible weather we endured. […]


A great outfit is all about the finishing touches. Accessories are the easiest and most cost effective way to create a different look and make your wardrobe more versatile. Vintage accessories are affordable, sustainable and beautiful. They can be mixed with modern outfits to complete your look. Sourcing vintage accessories is great […]


Vintage brooches are another versatile accessory that can be used to add glamour and elegance to your look. The obvious places to wear a brooch is on a dress, top or coat. Try creating different looks by wearing it in a alternative position as shown below on this beautiful prom dress. Also […]

How to… wear vintage brooches